Dora Wang has extensive experience in family law and she takes a wholistic approach when providing legal advice to her clients, taking consideration of not only her clients but also the children, families, friends as well as the broader community her clients associate with. Dora has acquired significant experience in her previous corporate career and is well positioned to utilise her commercial acumen in advising clients in property settlement. As a mother herself, she is also very empathetic and passionate about achieving the best outcome for the children in parenting matters.

Dora is admitted as a solicitor in the NSW Supreme Court and High Court of Australia. She holds Juris Doctor Degree from UNSW.

Dora is fluent in Mandarin. She is also specialised in working with clients who have multicultural background and overseas family/business connections.

Dora enjoys travel and food. She loves spending time with her family and three gorgeous/mischievous son and stepsons.

Dora Wang 律师专门从事家庭法领域的法律工作,并拥有非常丰富的经验。Dora Wang律师致力于结合每位客户的实际情况, 为每位客户提供更加精准有效的全方位法律建议。

Dora Wang律师有多年公司管理经验,利用她积累的商业法专业知识为客户解决财产方面的法律纠纷。Dora Wang律师身为母亲,对于涉及孩子的法律纠纷为客户提供更加富有同理心的法律建议及解决方案。

Dora Wang律师从新南威尔士大学获得法律博士学位,成为新南威尔士高等法院以及澳大利亚最高法院注册的执业律师。

Dora Wang律师精通中文以及中国文化,致力于为海外移民提供专业的家庭法法律服务。

Dora Wang

J.D. LL.B.
+61 2 9222 8000